Breathing Vending machine
The Future of Breathing project was invited by The Center for American Architecture and Design at UT Austin to exhibit at The AIR Symposium. I created an installation of future breathing vending machine that was selling the three future breathing products (The 3RD lung Mask, Personal Lung Trainer, and Oxygen Cigarette), imagines that you’ll able to see the vending machine in an airport in the future. The goal is to enable audiences to intersect with the air polluted future and rethink our relationships with the environment.
UT Austin, The Center for American Architecture and Design
The vending machine contains three parts: the 5-pieces third lung mask kits for your workday commute; An “Be Aware, Be Responsible” Personal Lung Trainer market champion window; A promotional window for the upcoming product Oxygen Cigarette. There is also an interactive screen enable people to browse the details of the products.